Picture of Report flip chip MOS (A-INTE)
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Machine permettant le report et l'intégration précis de composants par flip chip ou non.

Le report étant précis à +/-3µm en post alignement. L'intégration peut se faire par collage, thermocompression , eutectique ou brassage.

Machine allowing the report and the precise integration of components by flip chip or not. The report being precise to +/- 3μm in post alignment. Integration can be done by gluing, thermocompression, eutectic or soldering.

Tool name:
Report flip chip MOS (A-INTE)
Integration/Assemblage (Bât G1/G)
Integration/ Device mounting


  • Bonding Arm

Chip size: 0.2-40 mm 
Leveling: ± 0.57 degree, 0.4 arc.sec, 2 2rad step
Z (Arm): step 0.5 µm 
Heating: up to 450°C
Force (UBA): 0.03-50 kg 
Force (SRA): 20 – 400 grams

  • Substrate chuck

Size: 1-150 mm
XY : 300x250  mm (1 2µm step)
Theta: ± 7 degrees  (1.8 arc.sec.  8.7µrad)
Z : 6 mm  (step:  0.25 µm)
Heating: Up to 450°C

  • Optics

Chip size: 0,2 – 40 mm
Autocollimator: Sensitivity: 5 arc.sec, 20 µrad
Microscope : (specs with 20x  lens), 400X magnification, F.o.V.  340 x 240 µm on monitor dia. 1mm in eye pieces
X/Y Stage: 143 x 44 mm (1µm step)



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